Kesari Bhath aka Rava Kesari


  1. Semolina (Rava) – 1 cup
  2. Sugar – 2 1/2 cups
  3. Ghee – 1 cup
  4. Milk – 2 cups
  5. Cashew Nuts – 1/4 cup
  6. Raisins – 1/4 cups
  7. Food Color – A pinch or saffron – a few strands.
  8. Cardamom powder



  1. Heat ghee in a pan and roast cashew and raisins.
  2. Now, roast rava and stir continuously on low flame for 5 minutes until light brown.
  3. Boil milk in a separate pan, add rava and sugar in small quantity to avoid lumps and stir continuously.
  4. If you want to make your kesari look colorful then prepare a separate mixture using a quality food color with warm water.
  5. Now, add cashew, raisins, cardamom powder, food color mixture and add a little bit more ghee to give it some softness and your kesari is ready
  6. If you want to give your kesari bhath an attractive shape then use an appropriate mold (I used a sort of flower shaped one) and fill it.
  7. Let it cool for a while and your kesari will come out with flying colors ๐Ÿ™‚

This is my entry for RCI-Karnataka. Asha of Foodieshope is hosting this month’s event and many thanks to her.



check out my youtube channel for recipe videos

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17 Responses

  1. TBC says:

    That looks so cute…like they’re holding hands ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Asha says:

    Is it for RCI K Prajusha? Looks yum, great color and beautiful shape too!:))

  3. Happy Cook says:

    It looks really coloufrul.

  4. seena says:

    adipoli praju..nannayittundu.(enthu bhangi ninnekkanaan…………. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. prajusha says:

    hi friends,
    Thank u very much

  6. Vijaya says:

    Beautiful and yummy kesari bhath, Prujusha!

  7. Nags says:

    Thats one fiery color ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Lissie says:

    beautiful picture! very good entry, prajusha!!

  9. mallu says:

    lovely color!!!
    very good ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. jeenacolourful says:

    Prajusha I love this recipe its very colourful, great dish to make with semolina. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. sona says:

    great colour…!!!!

  12. Cinnamon says:

    Looks and sounds very delicious…. Love the color!!!
    I have my version posted in my blog.. with some differences!!
    You have got a lovely blog!

  13. Pravs says:

    Lovely color…looks tempting too.

  14. meeso says:

    I’m happy to find your blog…I love your recipe with all the sugar, I’m going to try this very soon!!!

  15. Bharathy says:

    For one cup rava you add 2 1/2 parts of sugar??or does the ghee supress the sweetness..??
    I have nt tried kesari much!Was waiting for a good recipe..Will; try this soon and see,,:)

  16. prajusha says:

    u have to add that much quantity of sugar to get a sweet taste.

  17. meeso says:

    I tried this and it was great! Turned out perfect ๐Ÿ™‚

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